Preciosa’s Pals Episode #2 Lola

Another weekly interview spot by our German Shepherd Preciosa as she learns more about her pals. Please let us know if your pup would like to be interviewed!

Preciosa’s Pals episode #2. Today Preci interviews Lola, who lives here in Pass-a-Grille with her moms Christie Christl and Debi Saltzberg. Lola is mostly a mix of cattle dog and Schnauzer, with a little bit of Chihuahua , Poodle and Pomeranian mixed in.

Preci: How old are you?
Lola: I am 11 years old

Preci: Where were you born?
Lola: I was born Rancho Cucamonga, California
Preci: Hang on, can you spell that for me?

How did you choose your parents and how long have you lived with them?
Lola: I chose Christie cuz she looked at me at the adoption place and seemed so sweet - and took me to her Santa Monica condo near a squirrel park and really close to the beach for a test run. We fell in love….Then I met her wife Debi and knew we were meant to be a family
Preci: Did you say there are really squirrel parks?? I thought that was an old dog’s tale!

Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?
Lola: I love to eat mostly everything- ‘specially steak
Preci: Making me hungry

Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?
Lola: I sure do! His name is Raccooney:)

Preci: What do you do that makes your moms really mad at you?
Lola: My moms get mad at me when i eat all the crumbs at paradise grille. But they are so delicious, I can’t help myself
Preci: I feel you. I love when I find a French fry on the ground when we go there for breakfast.

Preci: Where do you hang out on the weekend?
Lola: On the weekends my favorite place to hang out on this entire planet is Bunce’s Pass - we ride there on
the boat. They let me run around off leash on the sandbar (we cant get in trouble off leash there), Oh Preci, It’s heaven❤️
Preci: Wow, I’ll ask Santa to get my Daddy to take me to Bunce’s Pass too!

Thanks for hanging out with me Lola. You look really good for 11 and I love your ears:)


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #1. Stuart