Preciosa’s Pals #8 Whiskey

Another episode of Preciosa’s Pals. Today Preci interviews her Golden Retriever pal Whiskey.

Preci: How old are you?

Whiskey: I am 3 years old.

Preci: That’s right. You came by when we had just opened Island Life and you were 3 months old!  And remember when you got your tiny paw stuck in the Adirondack chair over there and you cried and cried?

Whiskey: I can’t recall crying. Must not have been me.

Preci: C’mon Whiskey you remember! You cried like a baby and I got really concerned for you. But then our Moms got your paw out and you were all happy and goofy again.


Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?

Whiskey: My mom‘s leftover breakfast.

Preci: Like a smoothie??

Whiskey:  No, like bacon!!!

Preci: Interesting. [Getting her notebook out] Please give me your address.


Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?

Whiskey:  I love my Chuck it, and my ball.

Preci: But where’s the squeaK??  I don’t like to chase balls but I do like to squeak all of my toys!! My squirrel, tiger, snake, worm, Santa, octopi moose, Rudolf and cow. I like to show them off to people walking by my house.


Preci: What do you do that makes your parents really mad at you?  

Whiskey: I dig holes in the backyard.

Preci: oh boy Whiskey. I have found out that’s a really really bad idea. Trust me…they can get super mad and then they undo all your work and fill in the hole. 


Preci: Where do you hang out on the weekend?  

Whiskey: I love to hang out at the dog park on Vina del Mar and swim in my pool.  

Preci: Well I didn’t know about this pool!  Do you ever ask some of your Pals over? Hint Hint

Well Whiskey,  I hope you don’t mind that I show our viewers your baby picture with me.  Thanks for taking the time today, and I’m glad we are Pals





Preciosa’s Pals Episode #7. Pickles