Preciosa’s Pals Episode #3 Revere

Preci: How old are you?

Revere: I will be 7 years old on March 30.

Preci: Where were you born?

Revere: Somewhere in east Texas.  I was young and don't really remember. But then I got on an airplane to Boston and ended up in The Upper Valley of New Hampshire. A few weeks later was my first trip to Florida. We live here now.

Preci:  You lived in 3 states? You must have a lot of frequent flyer miles.

Preci: How did you choose your parents and how long have you lived with them?

Revere: On June 10, 2016, my picture was in the Humane Society email newsletter, which got sent out by mistake. My Daddy showed up to see the cute puppy (me!), and the people working at the Humane Society were confused because there wasn't supposed to be an email that day. Daddy kept texting Papi because they both needed to sign the papers.  

Preci:  Wow that was lucky for all of you! Before I picked my current parents, someone tried to give me away for free on Craig’s list! I am sure glad we both live here as island dogs now

Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?

Revere: “Uncle Tony Treats" ... they're ice cream. Uncle Tony lives around the corner and he was was first person to give me ice cream, so that's how they got their name. 

Preci:  Whoa! I’ve never had ice cream. I’ll need an address for the Uncle Tony, please.

Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?

Revere: Mr. Rope is my favorite "inside toy." Good for tug-o-war. We play every night after kibble dinner.

Preci: Mr Rope sounds like fun. When I finish my dinner I roll all over my bed to show off my full belly. Try that sometime. Really fun!

Preci: What do you do that makes your dads really mad at you?

Revere: I bark at strangers who come to our door. Or any door in the neighborhood. I know everyone in every house, so I bark at any stranger who comes onto our block.

Preci:  I agree, It’s nice to have a job.  Your neighborhood is really safe with you on watch, Revere!

Preci: Where do you hang out for fun?

Revere: Every morning on the dog beach. With coconuts. I like to shred the husks off until I get to the nut. Then I rinse it in the water and dig a hole for it. Then move it. And rinse it. And dig a new hole for it. I know how to puncture the little hole at the bottom of the coconut to get the milk out. It's delicious. 

Preci: Sounds delicious!! I am hoping you like to share. Meet you at the dog beach ❤️

Preci:  Thanks for joining me today Revere!  You and I play really nice together, so you are welcome here anytime.


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #4 Pawley


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #1. Stuart