Preciosa’s Pals Episode #4 Pawley

Episode #4 Pawley

Preci: How old are you?

Pawley:I am 16 months, going on 17. I’m big now!

Preci: Where were you born?

Pawley: Hoover, Alabama but just for the first 7weeks, then I became a beach dog!

Preci: How long have you lived with your parents?

Pawley: They picked me up when I was only 7 weeks old and weighed 8 pounds. My family is big into Texas A&M sports since my brother went there.  Well that night that they picked me up, our football team played Alabama and won!! My dad said we better get outta town fast so we drove all the way to St Pete Beach with me on Mom’s lap.  They only stoped a couple times to let me do…well you know what I had to do. I was really little then and couldn’t hold it so good!

Preci: I love stopping at rest areas!  The grass smells so different and my sniffer works overtime

Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?

Pawley: Bacon!  Just yell “BACON” and I’ll be right there.  But being a seaside dog, I do like fish too!

Preci: I l hear you!  My parents give me a piece of salmon for a treat every single day.

Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?

Pawley: I love my squeaky octopus.  Why do they get to have 8 legs??

Preci: Good question! We could run really fast if we had 8 legs

Preci: What do you do that makes your parents really mad at you?

Pawley:  Some silly rule about not dragging palm fronds into the house to chew on.  I tell mom I am just helping clean up the yard

Preci: Where do you hang out on the weekend? Pawley: My brother Keith takes me to the coffee shop all the time. I love it all the attention I get there, and I love the dog beach too!

Pawley: Hey Preci, do you want to hear how I got my name?

Preci:  That was my next question. I like how it is PAW-ley. Pretty smart.

Pawley: Well, I am not named after a paw. When my parents got the call that I was going to be joining the family, they were driving through South Carolina. They passed the sign for Pawleys Island right at that time and it stuck!

Preci:  Of course, PAWley is perfect for you! Thanks for visiting me today!


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