Preciosa’s Pals Episode #6 Giselle

Today on “Preciosa’s Pals” she interviewed Giselle, a Chinese Crested mix, who lives in Vina Del Mar with her parents CJ and Quinn. Sometimes you will CJ working here at Island Life too!

Preci: How old are you and where were you born?

Giselle: 8.5 years young - mom says I still wiggle like a puppy. I was born in the middle of Nowhere New Mexico - my moms’s  friend found me at a police station in NM - the town was so small it  didn’t even have an animal shelter so she brought me to Denver CO and asked Mom to “foster” me until they could find a new home for me.

Preci: How did you choose your parents and how long have you lived with them?

Giselle: My parents were “fostering” me but when I met their puppy Bunny Lemon and we knew we were sisters from another mister and shouldn’t be separated.  Bunny used her brown soulful eyes to convince Dad into letting me stay (even though they already had 4 dogs and 4 cats🙃).

Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?

Giselle: Anything off dad’s plate. He sneaks me bites even when Mom says No.

Preci: Sounds like my house. Moms are too strict sometimes!

Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?

Giselle: I love anything I can chew that will squeak. That is my favorite noise but my parents don’t agree.

Preci:  For what it’s worth, I agree with you Giselle! My friends Patty and Charlie came to visit and brought me a leopard with like a million squeakers.  The sound is music to my (extremely large) ears.

Preci: What do you do that makes your parents really mad at you?

Giselle: Waking my parents up about an hour before the alarm goes off.

Preci:  I’m surprised they don’t appreciate that you are helping them to enjoy the early morning. Go figure!  Although Giselle, I used to sit next to the bed and just stare at my parents until they woke up. But honestly I have found that my parents are much nicer when they sleep in later. Maybe you should give it a shot??

Preci: Where do you hang out on the weekend?

Giselle: At our pool with my family. I have my own chaise lounge by our pool and I I like to lay on my back with my paws stretched out to tan my belly. I am hairless so mom says I need sunscreen.

Preci:  That sounds like a perfect weekend!  I love to show my belly. People come into Island Life when I am working because they want to see my belly. I am sure of it Giselle!!

Thanks for visiting me today!


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #7. Pickles


Preciosa’s Pals #5 Bunny Lemon