Preciosa’s Pals #5 Bunny Lemon

Preciosa’s Pals Episode #5 Bunny Lemon

Preci: How old are you?

Bunny Lemon: 8 years!

Preci: Where were you born?

Bunny Lemon: I’m not sure, I think CA when I was very tiny I was dropped off at an overcrowded shelter in CA but a dog rescue in CO came to get me. I guess I looked like a Rocky Mountain dog!

Preci: How did you choose your parents and how long have you lived with them?

Bunny Lemon: I met my mom via her legislative work with CO Animal Welfare groups. I was too cute and wiggly for her to resist (even though she didn’t need another dog - which is a ridiculous concept).  I lived w them in Denver for 1 year  and then we moved here to the beach for 7 years.

Preci:  That is a ridiculous concept!  Pawrents should have tons of us running around the house

Preci: What is your favorite thing to eat?

Bunny Lemon: FOOD (and poop)

Preci: What?? I am sure I misunderstood you!  But just in case, can you push back a little bit. You are sort of breathing on me. SMH.

Preci: Do you have a favorite toy?

BL: My Nylabone dental dinosaur bone

Preci: I’m glad to see you are thinking about dental hygiene, given your “diet”

Preci: What do you do that makes your parents REALLY mad at you?

Bunny Lemon: I eat poop! They don’t think it’s the best idea.

Preci:  I guess that was a silly question.

Preci: Where do you hang out on the weekend?

BL: By the pool with my fur family and my parents. I don’t like the pool tho, it’s too much like a bath 😳

Preci: Thanks for visiting today BL!  I might like to swim in your pool sometime. Sounds like a fun place!


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #6 Giselle


Preciosa’s Pals Episode #4 Pawley